In Honor & Memoriam

Today is a particular day of note for me, my mom, & my brother: it's my Grandmommy's birthday, and this year she is 99 YEARS OLD! That's no typo: ninety-nine! She still lives on her own at home, and the only thing starting to fail is her hearing. :-P We called her as soon as the kids got home from school, and she was so excited to hear from us. ♥ I think she is more happy about our move back South than almost anyone. Every time we talk, she says over & over, "I'm just so glad you could get back down here." Amen!!! I know *her* prayers gave ours an extra huge boost! ;-) [And I am SO GLAD the kids & I have got her amazing genes coursing through us, as well! :-D]

Today also marks 14 years since my dad passed away. (Ironically, Grandmommy was the one with him when he went.) 14 years sounds soooo long... And it is... I don't *EVER* get upset about him missing the kids' lives or seeing me grow as a parent, b/c I know he is the ONLY grandparent who hasn't missed a SECOND of anything! He's gotten to see all of the secret moments that even JB & I haven't been privy to. ♥ But I *do* wish JB could have met him (we started dating 11 months later) and that the kids didn't have to wait until Heaven to get to know him... I still feel close to him; I know he was grinning from ear to ear over the gator last week! He was the ultimate nature man - avid hunter, strong outdoorsman, Master Gardener, & professionally a nature photographer for the government's SCS - now the Natural Resources Conservation Service, (how my parents met. ♥ My mom was a writer for them. :-)) [See, I come by my nature obsession honestly!

Thanking God today for the tremendous example of a strong woman of faith He has given to help raise me in my Grandmommy, for the incredible "renaissance man" I was blessed to have as a father, and for the confidence He gives me, knowing that they are both still & will forever be a real part of my life. ♥


  1. Aww, that was so sweet! Sounds like an amazing man...and he has an equally amazing daughter.

    Happy Birthday to Mom, Brother and Grandmommy!!


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