Day Tripper

Saturday, Mom & I left the kids (who barely acknowledged we left) with Grandaddo & their neighbor BFFs, while we took a day trip to our most beloved Charleston! ♥ My heart actually *ached* to be there - in our future forever home - w/o JB, but it was SUCH a gorgeous day and a PERFECT mother/daughter time for us to do all the stuff that bores the guys & the kids to tears. ;-)

We drove straight into town and parked for the Charleston Farmer's Market in Marion Square. I have been OBSESSING over the Charleston Crêpe Company since I saw them in Southern Living last fall, and they ABSOLUTELY DID live up to the hype! Oh. My. Gosh. I had the most divine BBQ pork crêpe with black beans & pineapple salsa; Mom had the stellar chicken, bacon, mushroom, mozzarella, honey mustard crêpe. Pure heaven. We are never eating anywhere else on a Saturday b/t 8 AM & 2 PM in Charleston ever again. We also got a slice of their famous chocolate crêpe cake (25 delicate crêpe layers *each* lightly filled w/ chocolate pastry crème!) that was just as exquisite as I imagined.

After the Farmer's Market (where we also found a million other things from fascinators to reclaimed wood art that we wanted, but limited ourselves to fresh ginger tea for us & fresh lima beans for Sis & Grandaddo) we headed over to the Charleston City Market. We can wander through that area for hours...and with no short-attention-spanned company, WE DID! We each found cute new bracelets and took our time making sure we got the best - no rushing to placate anyone else. :-)

We couldn't stand being so close to the beach and not seeing the ocean, so we drove over to IOP for a few minutes, just to see what was going on (it was oh so hard to drive right back across that swing bridge!) before grabbing our last bite at Shem Creek. Fried green tomatoes, mmmmmmm...

[Along Shem Creek]

PS - That's my new Lilly top
! And we fell into another consignment shop on the way out of town: more Lilly to come! ;-)
