Advent/Christmas Prep

We’ve super paired down our décor (truly, I’m not big into decorating for *any* holiday ever; it’s just not my thing, & I’m finally not feeling guilty about that!) to just our Christmas tree, because it’s in the one room where we spend all our waking moments at home. We were worried that, being new, Bailey might go after it, & I would be gutted to have her shatter my precious, blown glass ornaments; so we just put it up after Thanksgiving with lights only, to see how/if she would react. Good news: she doesn’t seem to care, so ornaments will go on now soon. Cuteness with the lights:

Speaking of ornaments, every year we get a dated picture frame ornament for the kids’ annual Santa pic. (JB & his brother took annual Santa pics into college, so we’re on the same tradition track! :-D) Our local outdoor Santa is no longer free as of this year :’( so it was back to Bass Pro Shops. (It’s a sweet tradition, but the *free* Santa is part of it! :-P) This guy was so awesome: he talked to Will for literally 3-4 minutes (a looong time for one-on-one!) about football - he didn’t give me the details, but I overheard “stance”, “combine”, etc.

We took a holiday pic with several instructors for our local boutique gym:

Brookwood: my number one favorite thing to get me in the Christmas spirit is to go to this Christmas pageant put on by special-needs adults who live & work in a local Christ-based community. It’s a new play every year, and there is nothing that jumpstarts my heart like watching these amazing people celebrating their pure hearts for Christ. They can help me refocus on the true meaning of Christmas better than anything I’ve ever found! This year, I brought my BFF Dalyce with me:
[This is her pic - she likes overexposing filters. :-P]

So now that I’m feeling the Christmas spirit, here are a couple of my Advent focuses this year:
•My absolute favorite tiny little online Advent jolt is this one:
It’s super short, so no feeling overwhelmed, and it includes an action for every day. It’s obviously not the only Advent reading l do, but it’s my favorite to share with people, because it’s short, powerful, & manageable. First day:
•I’m also going to try this Advent photo challenge for the first time this year. I’ve never done one of these, but with as much as I love pictures, I figured why not give it a whirl?


  1. Love the picture with Santa ~ that's such a cool tradition!! And thanks for sharing that Advent jolt; there's a lot to meditate on in there!!


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