Sloppy Joe, Sloppy Sloppy Joe

My dear friend, Liz, shared this link for "Sloppy Cornbread" - sloppy joes baked with bread on top: my idea of heaven! I've had this Mexican-style dozens of times, but I really don't care for heavy taco seasoning; why did I never think to just do plain sloppy joes (which I ADORE) instead? I *will* make this this week! (I would have done it tonight, but I already had my black beans & yellow rice going.) I even love that her sloppy joes are sans nasty bell peppers!

(And am I the only one who has to sing it like Adam Sandler in my head every.single.time. I read/say/hear "sloppy joe"???)

Still being filled with strength:

And therefore the Lord [earnestly] waits [expecting, looking, and longing] to be gracious to you; and therefore He lifts Himself up, that He may have mercy on you and show loving-kindness to you. For the Lord is a God of justice. Blessed (happy, fortunate, to be envied) are all those who [earnestly] wait for Him, who expect and look and long for Him [for His victory, His favor, His love, His peace, His joy, and His matchless, unbroken companionship]! O people who dwell in Zion at Jerusalem, you will weep no more. He will surely be gracious to you at the sound of your cry; when He hears it, He will answer you. - Isaiah 30:18-19

But those who wait for the Lord’s helpt find renewed strength; they rise up as if they had eagles’ wings, they run without growing weary, they walk without getting tired. - Isaiah 40:31


  1. i commented on facebook a few weeks ago that i can't not sing adam sandler's version when i so much as hear the words "sloppy joe" together, and all my high school and college friends came out of the woodwork to agree with me. we're not alone! :) i'm glad you can enjoy it. i'm considering making it tomorrow as we're having a friend of kenny's come...i'll let you know how it tastes (although doesn't it sound DELICIOUS?). kenny hates bell pepper too. i only really like them raw, not cooked.

  2. i will have to try this recipe out! thanks for sharing it! and thank you for the verses. i needed those this morning!


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