This morning, my mom and I went to Plains (~45 minutes away) to hear President Jimmy Carter teach Sunday School at his home church, Maranatha Baptist. Talk about an AMAZING EXPERIENCE!!! I'm still kind of bowled the fact that we live within a short distance of this opportunity, by the fact that Mr. Jimmy still does this, and by the man, himself. He is the most intelligent and kind man I've ever met. He absolutely exudes brilliance and eloquence with every point, but in the least pompous, most humble and approachable way I've ever encountered. He embodies compassion, yet commands gentle respect. He is a truly rare character.

Our arrival: this is the TINIEST country church - regular members are ~30 a week; visitors when President Carter teaches Sunday School ~300! :-D When we pulled into the old, quiet church parking lot, we had to have the Secret Service dog sniff our car for explosives before we could park. :-P When we walked up to the front door, two agents went through our purses and had us turn our phones & cameras off & on to show they were normal. Then before we went in, we got wanded with metal detectors. It was very respectful & didn't feel extreme or invasive at all; but it was no joke!

The point of President Carter's Sunday School teaching was: no matter what your station or circumstances in life, always honor Jesus through your behavior, b/c He stayed true to His mission through His suffering, which is so much more than any of us will ever be called to do. Scripture - 1 Peter 2:18-25

We were honored to get to have our photo made with President and Mrs. Rosalynn Carter after the worship service:

It was such an inspiring experience...
