End of the School Year

Annelise finished Kindergarten and her last year of Montessori (*sniff, sniff*) last week. Her class (Kindy-3rd grade) put on a fairytale performance Thursday night, and she was thrilled to play Goldilocks!

I curled her hair for the first time in her life:

With her class:

The performance:

On Friday, her teacher Ms. Marlowe awarded Annelise with a Geography Medal:
To achieve this, she was one of five kids who could:
*identify & name all 50 states by shape & location on map
*rebuild the US puzzle map from memory
*identify directions - N, S, E, W, NE, NW, SE, SW
*label world map, naming oceans, continents, & several seas from memory & complete "globe project" (making their own stuffed globe)
*identify your "place in space" - Milky Way galaxy, Earth, North America, United States, Georgia, town, street name, & house number
*name five land & water form pairs (i.e. isthums & strait, island & lake, etc.)
*identify the layers of the earth
*say the Pledge of Allegiance
*identify the captial of the US and locate on map

After Annelise's ceremony, I helped to give Will's year-end 2nd grade class party! We had a beach theme, so the kids did the limbo:

And then did a relay race (boys vs. girls) where they had to put on a lei, sunglasses, grass skirt, floppy sun hat, and giant Hawaiian shirt:

Such a fun way to go out! :-D

And not to let Will's year-end achievements slip under the radar: he ended up with another Good Worker award, another Good Attitude certificate, and 114 A.R. points just for this year. (He "slacked off" the last month. :-P ;-))

For the first time in my parenthood, I want to *gulp* at their growing up. 1st & 3rd grade, here we come! (Whether Mommy likes it or not! :-D)


  1. I remember memorizing states and capitals in *THIRD GRADE*, and just starting to learn how to read in *FIRST GRADE*. It is amazing how much further advanced kids are at a younger age today.

  2. Well, this is DEFINITELY *NOT* "standard". This Montessori was just amazing - way better than the two poor Will attended in MI & Chicago; I feel like he really got cheated, in comparison. Montessori philosophy is very child-led & doesn't push the children, but he was never even truly challenged. With a small nudge, Annelise is reading as well as Will was when he started 2nd grade and is spelling better than he really does now if I'm honest. She'll start public 1st grade this August, but we will not let her skip a grade, even though she's academically ready for 2nd.


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