Art and Barbecue + Chocolate

My mom was here last week for a visit, and we had *THE* BEST time at The Museum of Fine Arts, Houston on Thursday, playing in the opening day of “William Forsythe: Choreographic Objects” & final days of “Vincent van Gogh: His Life in Art” + “Van Gogh Up Close”.

“Choreographic Objects” literally made me dance - through a field of pendulums that swing from the ceiling in a mechanized choreographic pattern in “Nowhere and Everywhere at the Same Time, No. 2” and in front of an interactive video wall in “City of Abstracts” - deceptively basic concepts that literally became inspirational, personal art:

Because you have to avoid all of the swinging pendulums & the strings that they’re hanging from, you’re forced to really pay attention to what your arms & legs are doing to create a path that doesn’t touch the art. It really did create choreography!

“Van Gogh Up Close” was more fun than the actual art exhibit - this let you pose in various media inside his art!

And of course, we had Fun with Statues in the sculpture garden:

For our latest culinary adventure, Tejas Chocolate + Barbecue absolutely lived up to The Texas Bucket List hype! Bailey beagle even came with us & had perfect manners. (She doesn't beg! She sits so sweetly, just enjoying being outside with us. :-))

(Bailey *did* get her own reward afterwards: Ruffy Road dog ice cream at the pet shop after her claw trim. :-))


  1. What a neat museum!! And that looks like an amazing restaurant!! I'll take one of each of the chocolate flavors, please! ;)

    1. OMIGOSH - the Ancho Bloom was *THE* BEST EVER!!!!! So was the Cashew Toasted White Chocolate with Turmeric - amazing!


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