George Washington Onstage

My offspring + stage time = teary mama!!! I was absolutely bursting with pride Friday over being the mother of George Washington in the Lee County Primary "I Love America" program! Apparently he was such a big hit on the 100th Day that they asked him to reprise the roll in front of the entire school, the mayor, sheriff, state representatives, etc. for their big patriotic show. It.Was.Precious. (You can pick out Will in all of the clips: front row center onstage in the white wig.)

They started the program with the entire school singing "Grand Old Flag" - seeing all those children waving & singing together actually choked me up:

Will's George Washington spiel:

They sang four or five more songs before closing; Will said he likes this "Oh, I Love America" one:


Our First & Last Presidents: George Washington & Barack Obama (a.k.a. Will & his best friend on his bus, Joshua :-))

After the program, I went back to Will's classroom with him to get his backpack, and I got to see his MOST excellent handwriting specimen EVER!!! [Truly, this kid has the worst handwriting in history. It is ATROCIOUS!!!] But after seeing this (given, it *is* a 2nd draft) both his teacher & I agreed he can't slide by with crappy penmanship, anymore:

This 2nd page makes me giggle. :-P I *LOVE* the way kids remember facts:
