PiYo, Panties, & Prosecco
My heart is OVERFLOWING with love & gratitude for all of the precious people who came Sunday afternoon to the “PiYo, Panties, & Prosecco” event that my friend Dalyce & I hosted! It was a *free* extended PiYo class, (2 instructors, double the fun!) with admission being a donation of new, packaged underwear for Clothed by Faith. Brand new underwear is our #1 unmet clothing need. People were so incredibly generous after Hurricane Harvey, donating literally tons & tons of clothes; but charities don’t give out “gently used” underwear. They need new undergarments to offer with their clothing donations, so we hosted this underwear drive to help! It was such a sweet success: not only did we collect a ton of donations, but everyone loved our extra long PiYo class, and I loved getting to teach alongside a BFF!
Glad you had a good turnout - and donations - for this wonderful cause!!