Sayonara Sucky Fingers!!!

Annelise has sucked her left middle & index fingers since she was two months old:

I am 100% serious when I tell you I have worried that she was going to do this into adulthood. I talked cessation methods & theories ad nauseum with friends. I even talked to Annelise openly about it: she's such a girly girl, and I thought if I painted her nails - or better, got her a spa mani! - that would be motivation enough to stop. Nope. She said several times she *wanted* to stop...but that innate desire was always more powerful than her logic, and she sucked the polish right off every time. It's the ONLY way she could relax, self-soothe, or fall asleep.

This must've just been divine timing... My mom had a Groupon to Shug-A-Bug Kids Spa for her last month:
Even though this was not her first spa day or mani, it was apparently the perfect confluence of her cognitive development, maturity, and girly fancy for perfect nails, b/c that was exactly four weeks ago, and she has NOT ONCE sucked on those fingers!!! :-O Even in her sleep! (Yes, I've checked. ;-))

I am absolutely thrilled to pieces... but (& I reserve the right to say the following as her mother in light of the fact that she is our last baby ;-)) I admit I do feel the tiniest sad twinge of "awwwww!" in the deepest recesses of my mama heart that our baby is truly growing up and becoming a young lady. OF COURSE I don't EVER want her to suck her fingers, again...but I'm still allowed that teensy-weensy, silly, fleeting ache. ;-)


  1. Total Small World moment...I'm in that pic from Lauren and John's wedding! I'm in the black sweater in back, and that's my Dear Husband in the blue shirt. I'm so bummed we didn't get a chance to meet that day, but someday!!!

  2. Awww! SMALL WORLD, INDEED!!! :-D


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