3 Random Funny Bits

On Monday, I hauled at least 700 lbs (14 giant contractor bags - each at least 50 lbs) down & out from Grandmommy's upstairs! Lesson: I will never *not* burn another candle or not use a decorative soap, b/c "it's too nice to use." :-P Funniest quote - from my mom: "How come everyone else's parents squirreled away money in their homes...and mine just hid Kotex?!" :-D (We seriously found a vintage Kotex box in 3 different rooms, but not a dollar. BEST comic relief!!! :-P) We were sooo painstaking - checking the hems & sleeves of every outfit, trying on every hat & pair of gloves, opening every.single.greeting.card & envelope (tons back thr/ the 1950's)... But that meticulous detail was what made the silly finds even sillier :-D

Hershel re: a TV show: "It's devarted."
Me: "Devarted?" (Am I missing a gas joke?)
Hershel: "D. V. R. ed. Devarted."

Happiness is: getting an email from Land's End about their snow suit sale...and being able to LAUGH & DELETE!!!
