Myriad Mid-December Musings

How is December half over & school already out???


• I’m doing this Dec yoga challenge where we take a pic in the assigned pose & post it on FB each day. I’m trying to do them literally wherever I am whenever I remember the challenge each day – whether that’s at Praise Team rehearsal holding my microphone, on the floor of the convention center at a cheer competition, in my PiYo class, etc. Here are a few of mine, so far, along with the guide, if you feel inspired to try a few, yourself:

• I’ve really been enjoying this tiny Busted Halo Advent devotional, along with several others; but this one in particular drew me in right off the bat, perhaps for its succinct simplicity & dash of pop culture. A few of my favorite days:

• So much school chaperoning! ALLLLL DAY this past Monday teaching Annelise’s 6th grade STEAM science trip. I was in charge of the area designing & launching straw rockets:

I chaperoned the kids’ junior high Christmas choir concert Tuesday night. Each sang 3 songs. Annelise’s 6th grade girls choir sang “I Want a Hippopotamus For Christmas” with the 6th grade boys, and she was the one holding the hippo sign! :-D
Will’s tenor/bass choir had some choreo in their “Blue Christmas” - he was mortified; it was adorable. :-P
(Instead of a myriad of individual YouTube videos, just click here to access all of their performances.)

Wednesday was my 3rd year chaperoning neighborhood Christmas caroling with their choir. It blesses me every year to experience how this touches people...

• Huge answer to prayer: last month after he didn’t make his school team, Will organized a youth league basketball team with his school buddies & his coach from last year...but then he was waitlisted, while everyone he recruited was put on the team. CRUSHED. It was abso.freaking.lutely heartbreaking. He cried. I cried. I could not imagine how God would work this out. All the other teams began practicing 3 full weeks ago, and the league had taken our registration fee, but never tried to find our waitlisted kids a coach. Turns out, one of our favorite friend families from our Falcons football days was ALSO waitlisted in the exact same situation. That dad ended up finding a professional coach for our boys! We’ll have to pay a bit additionally for his services, but we’re 3 weeks behind, so we need it! :-D So it’s way late, but God DID give Will a basketball team with a quality coach & 3 friends he already knows! And I’m so happy to get to see our Falcons friends regularly, again, for a few months. Their team is the Rice Owls = best uniforms in the league! :-D

• The big, fancy gym where I teach Zumba in the city doesn’t allow many classes that aren’t their signature brand, (Zumba is one of the very few!) but corporate just gave approval to offer PiYo!!! I asked my boss if I could audition it, and in another complete miracle from God, she actually let me demo it immediately this last week!!! I had over 30 PEOPLE come to my special pop-up class, and my boss said afterwards: “Your feedback was great! Everyone is raving. We’re going to have to make this a thing.” ❤️ We’ll see if I actually get on the schedule in January, but I’m hopeful & excited! I really wanted to add another PiYo class in my repertoire, and the atmosphere has been a little strained at Big Fancy, so I’m hopeful that this new offering for me could push a fresh reset button there. :-) Pray for God’s will re: my classes!

• Krispy Kreme had gingerbread original glazed doughnuts for one day only this past Tuesday. They. Were. AMAZING!!! Sooo worth the drive & even *better* than the original glazed pumpkin spice special KK had before. I didn’t get a pic, b/c they were TOO DECADENT to pause shoving them in my face...

• I received one of the GREATEST Christmas presents of my entire life this Friday: MY HOUSE IS CLEAN!!!!! My mom gifted me with a deep house cleaning for Christmas this Friday afternoon, since they were arriving on Saturday to visit! It was such a joy to have to prepare NOTHING for their arrival!!! There is honestly nothing on this earth that I hate more than housecleaning. Nothing. This is the greatest blessing I could ever receive from another human being. I posted on FB: “If *ANYONE* needs to see me for ANY reason, COME OVER IMMEDIATELY!!! It won’t be this clean, again...until the next time I’m gifted with the greatest gift on earth!!!!!!!!!!” #nojoke


  1. So much goodness in this post - great Advent devotional, Christmas caroling, basketball answer to prayer, a potential new class, KK doughnuts, AND a deep house cleaning!!!!! Love it all!!!


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