Rest & Revel

Most of my make/buy/wrap/bake/rehearse/chaperone/sing/show up "obligations" (in quotes, b/c I *wanted* to do them :-)) are all done now. I just have to sit back & bask in the glory of Advent & coming Christmas. [Well, and do a last day of laundry & pack to go HOME for the holidays! :-D] I am in heaven tonight, sipping a chai latte *at home* thanks to JB's parents gifting him with a Keurig! [He was so thrilled, he woke up early, brewed a quick coffee, & dropped me off at church this morning (instead of us taking separate cars, since I had to be there at 8 to sing in both services.)]

From Following the Star:

"God of wonder, help me to pay attention to your unpredictable work in my life. Help me to treasure the miracles you bring across my path, even when – perhaps especially when – they are well disguised, like dirty shepherds. And help me to ponder your surprises, to see more clearly your hand in my life, so that I can follow you in joy."

"God of the unknown future, life is full of change, stress, miracles, blessings, mysterious outlooks, strange possibilities & innumerable questions. You are God of all – my amazement at the miraculous present & my anxiety over tomorrow’s forecast. Guide, keep, & remind me that joy is not dependent on happiness or circumstance, but is found in You, in the midst of change, stress, miracle, blessing and uncertainty."


  1. love it! "bask and wonder" all you can and have a great trip home!!!!


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