Journey to the Cross

Y'all know how much I enjoyed the "Following the Star" free online Advent devotional, and now their Lenten one has begun: "Journey to the Cross". To get into the right frame of mind, this week's devotionals begin like this:

The ability - and the responsibility - to choose is a part of what makes us human. The way we make those choices, and the values we use in our decisions, reflect the influence our faith has in guiding us.

Consider now the values that guide and direct you; think about the call of God to follow. How is God shaping you as you walk the path of faith?

Pretty heavy and extremely timely...


  1. Good stuff! And I promise you that God asked you to post that for me. I spent a part of my afternoon searching for a good Lent bible study reference. My church usually gives them out at our Ash Wed service but I missed it this year. Maybe due to the recession?? Anyway, this looks like good stuff so thanks!

    I got this "Moments when we feel like a failure, when we feel like we have not done what we and others hoped that we would do, are incredibly painful. Yet in time, often we find a new opportunity and a new passion. We then discover those things that truly utilize the gifts God has given us. That time will come." This speaks so strongly to me as I have some personal stuff going on right now that directly relates to this. Again, good stuff!

    Thanks for sharing the link!

  2. You are SO welcome!!! I am SO GLAD this is encouraging you, too!!!!!!! It's also really speaking to me!

  3. thanks for this, Sues! i'm glad you find these cool online devotionals for the "contempletive" times of the year....thanks for sharing!

  4. Odd! I've been following D365 for a couple of months now. When it was forwarded to me initially, I clicked onto the homepage, and was instantly overwhelmed with emotion.

  5. Awesome! I started it when a friend from home posted the link for "Following the Star" on FB. LOVE IT!


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